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A painting in the entrance, now in the Archaeological Museum in Naples, of the Dioscuri, Castor and Pollux, sons of Jupiter and Leda, gives the house its name. This is one of the rare examples in Pompeii of a house with a Corinthian atrium, where the atrium with a central impluvium is surrounded by columns, in this case twelve columns in tufo (the other two alternatives were the Tuscan atrium without columns and the tetrastyle atrium with four columns at the corners of the impluvium). Wall paintings with pictures of mythological subjects were frescoed on the walls of the rooms on either side of the tablinum. Most of them have been detached and are now in the Archaeological Museum in Naples and the British Museum in London. An initial porticoed courtyard with Doric columns is situated beyond the tablinum and has a lararium on the back wall. The second peristyle with a large basin at the centre was added later and is reached from the right side of the atrium. Most of the IV style wall painting is still in place and depicts carpets hung in imaginary architectural surrounds, alternating with panels of still life.

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